Jesus taught us that real love is self-sacrificing. He gave His life as a sacrifice so that we might find redemption. He nonetheless made the decision to sacrifice in our stead, although His selfless deed resulted in agony and sorrow.
Love Is More Than Simply an Emotion
Most individuals believe that love is merely a sensation. Love merely refers to a pleasant or delightful emotion when seen as an emotion. If love is merely a feeling, individuals may drift both into and out of it. The Bible, though, presents an alternative viewpoint.
Love is much more than an emotion. You carry out this action. “Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with acts and in reality,” the apostle John writes in his epistle, serves as a reminder of this reality (1 John 3:18). Whenever we admire someone, it shows in the manner we behave and conduct ourselves around them (James 2:16; 1 John 3:17).
Reflecting God’s love via our deeds is one way we can do that. He did not only show love will toward people and wish well for us. As an alternative, “God demonstrated his immense love for us by delivering Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” (Romans 5:8, NLT).
Jesus Christ embodies the most love a person can ever know. We can freely accept His salvation offer if we put our confidence in Him because He decided to die in the place of sinful mankind (Ephesians 2:5, 8-9).
Here is how to practice it
Take time to pay attention.
Ecclesiastes 3:7, which talks about self-sacrificial love, teaches us that there is “a moment to remain silent and a moment to voice.” Whenever it pertains to voicing your ideas, love implies giving something up. Listening to your partner without interjecting rather than disagreeing with them.
In addition to demonstrating love and respect, the ability to listen will enhance relationships and communication and increase your spouse’s level of comfort while sharing their emotions with you.
Spare some time
Your leisure is one item you can give up for your loved ones, including your acquaintances, family, and kids. Self-care is crucial, and that includes taking time for yourself, although one of the most precious things you can offer others is your attention and affection.
Create a strong sense of compassion
Empathy for your partner will strengthen your marriage and take it to greater levels. It enables you to see things from someone else’s point of view and make choices that are good for both you and your spouse. When couples are able to put their self in each other’s situations, their emotional connection is improved.