The Biggest Myth About Christians

Christians are obligated to uphold the truth as adherents of the Bible and followers of Christ. We must therefore make every effort to comprehend our tradition as completely as possible. So take into account these top ten global Christianity historical myths.

Christianity is a Western religion.

It wasn’t exclusively limited to Western Europe at any point in time, nor did it start there. It seemed to be inextricably linked to Western European identity for a very brief period from the early 16th and the middle of the 20th centuries.

The missions of Christians operated hand-in-glove along with the colonial powers.

Actually, it wasn’t the actual scene, but rarely they did. Because they saw empire as a divinely granted trust, missions frequently had negative opinions of how empires ran.


Christianity was being imposed by force mainly on the non-Western people.

If this were the case, non-Western Christians would be reduced to becoming passive objects of Western ideological dominance even today.

William Carey in 1792 started the protestant missions

Starting from 1646, John Eliot started his missionary effort within the Native Americans of New England. In 1706, the first Lutheran missionaries landed in South India at Tranquebar.

Missionaries destroyed indigenous cultures.

Native American traditions were not static; to imply otherwise is a trait of Western modernity. Although missionaries frequently exhibited what we would refer to as cultural blindness, their message took on indigenous cultural undertones once it was translated into the local vernacular.

For the Christian missions, 19th century was a great century

Instead of the great age of Western missionary expansion, the 20th century was the great age of indigenous transformation as well as an agency. The K. S. Latourette phrase “great century” is misleading.

‘Christianity, Commerce, and Civilization’ was an imperial creed.

Although he didn’t create it, David Livingstone was particularly connected with it because it was fundamentally an anti-slavery humanitarian creed. For these reasons, it frequently resulted in support for imperial remedies.

Christian missions

Living in a era of post-missionary

It’s actually not the case. Currently, there are over 426,000 missionaries from other countries. There were roughly 62,000 in 1900.

We live in a post-colonial age.

Without a doubt, we do not living in a post-imperial era. When powerful nations have exhausted all other, less expensive methods for control, they frequently resort to formal colonial authority. Decolonization may be interpreted as a return to unofficial forms of authority.

Proclaiming the unique value of the Christian gospel is to quiet intolerant.

This is done to conflate an attitude posture with a theological standpoint. Christians might fervently defend their right to hold and practice such views even while they believe that others’ opinions are fundamentally erroneous due to their knowledge of the characteristics of truth.

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